
Salvatore Renzo Calabrese

data di nascita


luogo di nascita









Master of Management Training for Manager of Complex Structure Lombardy Region Management School in Health.


Post-graduate diploma in Anesthesiology and Resuscitation with 50/50 marks and honors from the University of Catania


Practical Hospital Internship at the Anesthesia and Resuscitation Service of the Provincial General Hospital "G. Garibaldi" of Catania, concluded with the judgment of "excellent".


Qualification to the profession of Medical Surgeon, at the Catania University.


Degree in Medicine and Surgery with 110/110 marks and honors from the Catania University.


High School Qualification in classical studies at the "Mario Cutelli" State High School in Catania with marks 54/60.


from 01/08/2024 to today


from 01/05/2015 to 31/07/2024

Freelancer at the Anesthesia Service of Block A of the "San Rocco" Clinical Institute of Ome Franciacorta.

from 06/12/1996 to 30/04/2015

Medical Director at the 1st Anesthesia and Resuscitation Service of the "Spedali Civili" of Brescia.

from 23/06/1987 to 30/07/1999

Attending at the 1st Anesthesia and Resuscitation Service of the "Spedali Civili" of Brescia.

from 20/03/1980 to 22/06/1997

Resident at the 1st Anesthesia and Resuscitation Service of the "Spedali Civili" of Brescia.



Specialization School in Gynecology and Obstetrics of the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery, University of Brescia.

Degree Course in Obstetrics, University of Brescia.

Professional Training Courses for Midwives, Hospital of Brescia.

"Marcello Candia" Nursing School of USSL 41 in Brescia.

"Paola di Rosa" School for Professional Nurses.

School for Rehabilitation Therapists of the "Spedali Civili" of Brescia.


Three times Commissioner in bankruptcy operations at various Lombard hospitals


Atti del 10 Congresso Nazione ESRA
Evalutation of Perioperative Autotrasfusion System Haemonetics Ortopat.
Atti del 3 Annual NATA Symposium
Roma 22-23/04/2002
Intubazione difficile: previsione di difficolt e protocolli di sicurezza
Atti del Congresso Sicurezza in Anestesia
Milano, 28-29/4/1995
Compartmental syndrome due to viper bite
Archives of Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgery
110, 175-177, 1991
Rianimazione nell'arresto cardio-respiratorio. Statisica ed analisi della sopravvivenza a distanza
Il Policlinico - Sezione Chirurgica
Volume 97, numero 2, marzo-aprile 1990
L'avvelenamento da morso di vipera (analisi di 14 casi)
Anestesia e Rianimazione
Volume 30, fascicolo 3, anno 1989
Intossicazione acuta da solventi: idrocarburi alifatici clorurati Minerva Anestesiologica 53, 399-403, 1987
Contaminazione batterica dei cateteri venosi centrali: endogena o esogena?
Incontri di Anestesia, Rianimazione e scienze Affini
Volume XVI numero 4, dicembre 1981
Milze accessorie in un feto di sei mesi
Atti della Societ Italiana di Anatomia. Comunicazione al XXXIII convegno nazionale
Catania, 22-25/09/1976


Participation in 209 training events.
Acquisition of 1506 training credits.


Mother tongue


Other languages

Poor English.

Scholastic French.

Relational and organizational skills and competences

Predisposition to teamwork.

Attitude to work for goals.

Excellent communication skills.

Good organizational skills.

High flexibility.

I am particularly inclined towards interpersonal relationships and have a high degree of empathic skills and analytical skills.

I adapt easily to new environments and work situations, and therefore I am really interested in transfers and transferse.

Technical skills

Excellent knowledge of the main environments and software, in particular Word, Excel, Access, PowerPoint, HTLM.

I created the web pages dedicated to partoanalgesia on the website of the Spedali Civili di Brescia and the video clip "Give birth without pain".

Artistic skills

I'm interested in history, classical and jazz music, cinema.

Other skills and competences

Underwater photography, sailing, skiing.

I participated in the Atlantic Race for Cruiser 2011.

Licenses and patents

Automotive License B.

Sailing and motor boat license over 12 miles.

Diving patents up to the Instructor degree.

Further information

I love traveling. In particular, I am attracted to the countries of oriental culture.


Provide preoperative assessments, anesthesiological performance, postoperative checks, treatment of acute and chronic pain, contributing significantly to the quality of the surgical activity.
My work is based on relationships: with patients, surgeons, nurses, administrators and shareholders. These relationships are fundamental and depend on the choices I make every day, as a service and as people. My commitment is to keep these relationships strong, through open communication of the procedures I adopt, maximum transparency on our results and reliable and responsible behavior. In recent years I have learned how difficult it is to gain and maintain trust, earn and reciprocate the respect of others and create an environment that favors partnerships and collaboration. I know that our decisions have significant implications for people. I take this responsibility very seriously.

Maximum attention to the patient
Establish a close relationship with patients, understand their needs, transmit security through information and support in order to help them during their stay in the clinic.

Global approach
Think and act in a global perspective, make innovative choices for a wide variety of surgical partners, introduce innovations to cut costs and offer maximum support to the surgeries with which I work with.

In everything I do.

Stimulate the trust of patients and surgeons by offering high quality services, demonstrating efficiency, responsibility and forecasting skills.

People with great values
My mission requires the collaboration of bright, creative and dynamic people, animated by fundamental values:
Integrity and honesty.
Enthusiasm for everything related to patients, partners and technologies.
Openness, respect for others and availability.
Desire to face new challenges.
Objectivity, critical spirit and desire for constant improvement.
Responsibility in terms of commitment, results and quality towards patients, surgeons and nurses.

Creation of reliable and innovative solutions
Introduce innovations, advantages and opportunities for patients and surgeons, demonstrate openness to new orientations, pay attention to feedback and collaborate with other company services to ensure full compatibility and optimization between them and our business. I believe in my mission: improve health, improve the work of those who care, allow people to o further and further and reach goals that they would never have considered possible.

The search for maximum possible safety
Although no one can rule out human error, I feel that I can guarantee a high standard.